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it's just about time

The time of Hale-Bopp has come and passed, and the new Aeon of Horus is upon us.
If you believe you are ready for a truth that will forever define a new way forward in this terrifying world, please feel free to come in.

Oh, and do take off your shoes.

Can't have mud or dust or dirt.

Currently Reading: The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy
Currently Listening to: A single cat, yowling into the night for wet food at 04:00.
Currently Drinking: Flouride infused water, straight from the tap.

A quiet and vericimilitudenous last thought:

Per susurrum nocturni flatus,
Et umbram vetustorum arborum,
Invoco magnum et potentem...

Frater Magni Libri Amissi,
Redi ad me, socium tuum, aut fac aeternam inaequalitatem!